Foto Keluarga era Orba: Teknologi Khitan, Militer Masuk Desa, dan Ibuisme Negara.

Rumah, secara fisik adalah bentuk pemetaan, sebuah upaya kontrol ruang. Namun, di dalamnya ia menyimpan keintiman keluarga, ruang yang menyimpan potensi untuk resistensi. Melalui keintiman tutur, cerita, dan foto, narasi familial tersebut diwariskan antar generasi, atau justru hilang ketika tidak lagi memenuhi selera zaman.
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Family Photographs in the New Order Era: Circumcision, Military Involvement on Villages, and State Motherhood

Physically, home is a form of mapping, an effort to control space. Beneath, the family intimacy becomes an abstract space, a potential space of resistance. Through stories told at the dinner table and photo albums kept by the families, the domestic narratives are passed on between generations; or they disappear and are forgotten with the passing generation. Karen Strassler noted that since the New Order regime, photography has become more accessible to the Indonesians*. Although photography was initially done in the photo studio, the booming investment and the import of foreign products during the 1970s in Indonesia brought cameras and photography closer to its citizens. When economic conditions and infrastructure development in Indonesia began to develop, the consumption of photography increased. Since then, the trend of documenting family activities has begun to become the new norm in society. A family photograph is a small, collective recording of several individuals that is produced voluntarily and in a participatory manner, and is consumed in the domestic realm. However, the domestic space is a spark of the condition of the outside world. These photos are likely to hold fragments of historical records that can be decoded to re-interpret the major historical narrative.
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Koleksi Foto-Foto Wisata Kuno

Di balik narasi-narasi kecil dan personal yang disimpannya, arsip foto keluarga sejatinya menawarkan jendela untuk memahami kondisi zaman.
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Unhistoried dan Sebuah Cerita Ngelantur di 1990an

Keluarga saya boleh dibilang sebagai keluarga yang hanya sedikit memiliki arsip, termasuk arsip foto. Sejak saya lahir, saya belum pernah--atau pernah, namun lupa--melihat foto kakek dari ayah dan ibu serta nenek dari ayah yang wafat sebelum saya lahir. Bahkan ketika rumah dan tangga orang tua saya mulai menetap di Kota Malang, arsip foto minim bisa saya nikmati. 
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