Unhistoried is an archive-based project initiated by Arif Furqan and Reza Kutjh in 2017. It focuses on collecting, archiving, researching Indonesian family photographs as an historical artefact from a domestic and personal perspective. We are also exploring the possibilities of archive for artistic work and publication. Our majority of collections concern on Indonesian family archive under the New Order regime (1970s-1990s).
This project aims to activate the family archive, an othered source of history, also to re-examine, challenge, and to decenter the history writing. By focusing more on the domestic and peripheral narrative from the family archive, we are trying to put challenge to major history narrative which has been disrupted by 32 years of regime control.
Our collections come from two kind of sources; first, by adopting found photographs orphan images); second, archive from donation and participation (known sources). From those sources and materials, this project concerns on; (1) mapping photographic practice by Indonesian family (1960s-1990s), (2) domestic narratives as a performative challenge to history, and (3) family archive as (artistic) object
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